The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates 19,000 people have died from the flu so...
Flu season
Most provinces and at least one territory report declines in people getting their flu shot compared to...
So far this winter, 1,998 cases of influenza A have been reported. By this time in the...
As cases of seasonal influenza surge, health officials are closely monitoring a growing threat—the potential fusion of...
As of Feb. 1, 21.2 per cent of tests have come back positive for influenza. Since Aug....
Of course, other viral infections can be mistaken for flu. But COVID-19 appears to be on the...
Sneezing, fever, chills, vomiting, coughing — it’s not just one virus wreaking havoc this winter; it’s a...
New data shared by B.C.’s Centre for Disease Control shows the province has one of the worst...
It’s being called ‘the Christmas gift that keeps on giving’ as the number of cases of the...
Health officials in Alberta are sounding an alarm over delays in delivery of some vaccines they say...